Academy Admissions
Welcome to the Harris Boys' Academy East Dulwich admissions information page. Why not visit our Open Events page to take a school tour and discover why we have consistently been in the top 5% nationally for Student Progress for the past seven years.
Applications for Year 7 places should be made online at Admissions must be made via Southwark Council only and not directly to Harris Boys' Academy East Dulwich.
Admission outside normal age group: If you would like your son to be admitted outside of normal age group, please download and complete the 'Southwark Form - Request for Admissions Outside of Normal Age Group' downloadable from the bottom of the page, or find it here on the Southwark Council website. You must return this completed form to the Local Authority via email only: Please do not return your request form by post as they are no longer accepting documents by post. For further information, please see the Southwark Council policy on admission of children outside their normal age group (September 2025 normal intake).
Our full admissions policy, with details of our admissions criteria, can be downloaded from the bottom of the page. Our published admission number (PAN) for each year group is: Year 7 - 150; Year 8 - 150; Year 9 - 150; Year 10 - 150; Year 11- 150; Year 12 - 20 external candidates.
Open Evening and Drop-In Mornings 2024
Our Open Events for Year 7 entry in September 2025 have now finished. We would like to thank the many Year 6 students and their families who visited us. It was a pleasure to meet you all. Click HERE to download the Principal's presentation from our 2024 Open Events.
The school’s work to develop pupils’ character is exceptional." Ofsted
Academy admissions contact details
If you have any queries please contact us using the details below.
Telephone: 020 8299 5300
Address: Harris Boys' Academy East Dulwich, Peckham Rye, East Dulwich, London SE22 0AT
Admissions officer: Karen Forero
Year 7 admissions - key dates
We have 150 places in Year 7 in September 2024 and welcome students of all abilities and from all backgrounds.
Applications for places will be made in accordance with local authority admission arrangements and will be made on the Common Application Form provided and administered by the local authority. The Academy will work to the common admissions timetable agreed by Southwark Council Applications for September 2024.
- 1st September 2024 - Applications for Year 7 places in 2025 opens
- 31st October 2024 - Closing date for applications for Year 7 places in September 2025
- 3rd March 2025 - The Local Authority notifies parents about successful applications to secondary school
- 31st March 2025 - Closing date for appeals for primary to secondary transfer. Appeals must be made by 4pm on the closing day. Appeals will be heard in May/June 2025
Other keys dates:
- 2nd July 2025 - Year 6 Taster Day at Harris Dulwich Boys, for students joining us in September to spend a day at our school and feel part of our community
- 7th July 2025 - Uniform pop-up event at the academy, for parents and students to try different sizes of uniform and make purchases
"An inspirational place of learning." Ofsted
Click on the image to view our prospectus online or download as a pdf.
Year 6 transition (including Taster Day)
The transition from primary to secondary school is a big step. There's more about how we make the transition as smooth as possible in our Key Stage 3 curriculum page.
We are excited and looking forward to having your sons join our Outstanding Academy from September for a wonderful, exciting and rewarding journey. We are a caring community building future leaders where everyone succeeds and achieve their potential regardless of background or any personal characteristics.
Each year in July we have a Year 6 Taster Day for those students who will be joining us inSeptember. The taster day for students joining us in September 2025 will take place on 2nd July 2025. This is a chance to spend a whole day at our school and feel part of our community.
If you have any questions, please email us at
Parent(s) wishing to appeal against the Academy’s decision should complete an appeal form stating the reason for the appeal based on the published admissions criteria. The appeal form and guidance notes for appeals can be downloaded at the bottom of the page.
The closing date for appeals for primary to secondary transfer is 31st March 2025. Appeals must be made by 4pm on the closing day. Appeals will be heard in May/June 2025.
Completed forms should be sent to: The Clerk to the Appeal Panel, c/o Ms Karen Forero, Harris Boys’ Academy, East Dulwich, Peckham Rye, London SE22 0AT. Details of the 2025 appeals dates will be added to the website in due course.
The appeals will be heard over Zoom by an Independent Appeal Panel.
- Appeals may be made in English or the parents’/carers’ first language.
- Only one appeal per application is allowed.
- Appeals are conducted over Zoom and you may have a friend with you in the call.
“Students contribute confidently in class.” Ofsted
Southwark in-year applications (new students)
If your child is currently attending a Southwark school, and you are looking for a place with us, please complete and submit the Southwark Council’s in-year application form downloadable from the bottom of this page.
In-year applications (new students)
Please download our in-year application form from the bottom of the page. The Academy coordinates in-year admissions for students wishing to join the Academy mid-year. Parents/guardians should apply directly to the Academy.
If there are no vacant positions available your child will be placed on the waiting list in accordance with the oversubscription criteria found in the admissions policy. Please refer to the notes on the application form before completing.
Please note giving false or deliberately misleading information on this form and/or supporting information may render the application invalid, or lead to any offer made being withdrawn.
Parents/Carers will have the right of appeal to an Independent Appeal Panel if they are dissatisfied with an admission decision of the Academy. The Appeal Panel will be independent of the Academy. The arrangements for Appeals will be in line with the Code on School Admission Appeals published by the Department for Education. The determination of the appeal panel will be made in accordance with the Code on School Admission Appeals and is binding on all parties. The Academy will prepare guidance for parents/carers about how the appeals process will work and provide parents/carers with a named contact who can answer any enquiries parents/carers may have about the process.
Admission outside normal age group: Please download and complete the following forms from the bottom of the page:
- Determined Request for Admission Outside of Normal Age Group
- Southwark Form - Request for Admission Outside of Normal Age Group
Both forms must be completed and return to the academy via email:
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Will my child be added to your waiting list if he is not immediately successful?
A. Yes, if your application is not immediately successful, your child will be placed on the waiting list in accordance with the oversubscription criteria found in the admissions policy.
Q. Will I be able to find out where my child is on the waiting list?
A. You can find out where you are on our waiting list for transfer to Year 7 by contacting your Local Authority Admissions Team.
Department for Education performance tables
For the Department for Education schools performance tables please follow this link:
Sixth Form admissions
The Academy operates a sixth form for 200 students. Admissions are co-ordinated by the Harris Federation. For further details, including how to apply, visit Sixth Form entry requirements can also be downloaded below.
Admission arrangements
The Governing Body of Harris Boys' Academy East Dulwich has agreed to determine the admissions arrangements. The determined admission arrangements can be found below.
Determined Harris Sixth Form Entry Requirements
Determined Social and/or Medical Needs Form
Determined In-Year Application Form
Determined Request for Admission Outside of Normal Age Group
Determined Request for Admission Outside of Normal Age Group (Sixth Form)
Determined Sixth Form Admissions Application (External Candidates)