Anti-Racism - Solidarity and Resources
Harris Boys’ pupils, staff and parents of all backgrounds have been moved by the horrifying murder of George Floyd in the US. This has led to a global outcry, with protests around the world.
Previously hidden and often undiscussed issues around racism in the UK have been brought into the mainstream. Because of this, just as we have been saddened, we are also hopeful that the outcry will lead to change.
As an Academy, we wish to acknowledge what is happening and express our solidarity with our black families and staff who are currently feeling pain and distress. We have also compiled a list of resources for students and parents that you might find helpful.
Visit our list of resources for students and parents.
"We are all equal all of the time"
Our academy vision states that everyone succeeds and achieves their potential regardless of any personal characteristics; that we are all equal all of the time and treat people with the respect they deserve.
At Harris Boys’ we tackle discrimination and prejudice of any form through education. We want our students to be empowered to be themselves through our active citizenship programme.
The key character traits that we want to nurture are Respect, Resilience, Curiosity, Confidence and Ambition. A fundamental part of developing these character traits is contextualising our curriculum so that our students are rightly informed about the world they live in and the inequality that has shaped our past and present. Our aim for our students is to be equipped with the skills, knowledge and mindset to contribute to and transform for the better the society that we live in.
How to get involved
Civil rights activist Angela Davis famously stated: ‘“It is not enough to be non-racist. We must be anti-racist.” Being against racism is not enough - we ALL need to find a way to be ANTI-racist and back this up with action.
Confront everyday racism. If you see it, call it out. Speak up calmly and respectfully if it is safe to do so. If it is not safe, then talk to an adult, any member of staff at Harris Boys’ Academy East Dulwich or a family member and ask for support. Don’t let racist behaviour continue unchallenged. If you hear someone make a racist comment, speak out and challenge it, either in the moment or later when you tell an adult what happened.
Educate yourself. There are lots of fantastic films, books, websites and articles that you can watch and read. See our resources page for some suggestions.
Contact your local Police and Crime Commissioner and MP to raise your concerns about the way black communities are treated. Find your PCC here.
Send us contributions for in-school display including art, images, poetry, short stories, reflections. Send these to
Contact the student council to make your voice heard in helping to raise anti-racism as a key concern for the work of the student council.
'Dedicated to those that peacefully protest' - a poem
Written by a Year 9 student from our Enterprise learning hub
Protesters, delinquents are not. They
disrupt, they scream, they march
ahead. They are people, they are you,
they are me with a cause
too shy to voice, too angry to mute.
As the thousands parade together,
together they are beaten, insulted,
lauded and complimented.
Laughing friends hold rippling banners,
balloons float over the witness city.
Vandalism or justice? The mass’s repentance
of history is split by those that accept
the statue’s invite to hell or despoil its
plinth with its greed unquenched.
Additional support
Your Form Tutor, the Behaviour for Learning Team and your Hub Assistant Principals are all contactable if you want to discuss anything – feel free to e-mail them with any issues and ideas you would like to raise.
If you would like to raise something through the SHARP system, please click here to raise a concern
If you have a concern about the welfare of someone you know, please contact Mr Stow on