Exam Results and Performance
Students at Harris Boys' Academy East Dulwich celebrated achieving the Academy’s best-ever results in August 2024, with students gaining a total of 276 top Grade 9s and Grade 8s.
The Progress 8 and other data below mean we are in the top 2% of schools nationally for student progress.
- Our Progress 8 score is +0.98
- Our Attainment 8 score is 5.42
- 51% of students achieved Grade 5 or above in English and Maths
- 77% of students achieved Grade 4 or above in English and Maths
- 65% of students entered the EBacc
- 48% of students gained the EBacc
- The average EBacc points score was 4.94 (national average 4.27)
How did we do against other schools?
- We were the SECOND best non-selective boys school in England
- We were the THIRD best school in Southwark
- We were the THIRD best Academy out of the Harris Federation's 28 secondary schools
- We were the TWENTY FIRST best boys school in England
- We were the EIGHTY SIXTH best school in England
Visit our performance information on the DfE website.
Top 5% for disadvantaged students
In addition to the overall Progress 8 score, we are also incredibly proud of the progress of our disadvantaged students, who achieved a Progress 8 score of +0.67. This means we are in the Top 5% of all schools nationally for our disadvantaged students.
Sixth Form results 2024
Our 6th Form results were also exceptional with all students being successful on their chosen pathways.
- Our average Grade in A Level subjects was a C
- Our average Grade in applied General subjects was a DISTINCTION
- Our average Grade in Technical Levels was a DISTINCTION +
The destinations of these students were:
- Students attending university: 90%
- Students entering employment: 8%
- Students taking planned gap years: 2%
Year 11 results 2023
1n 2022-23 were were in the top 5% of schools nationally for student progress.
- Our Progress 8 score is 0.72
- Our Attainment 8 score is 5.35
- 53% of students achieved Grade 5 or above in English and Maths
- 76% of students achieved Grade 4 or above in English and Maths
- 63% of students entered the EBacc
- 41% of students gained the EBacc
- The average EBacc points score was 4.67 (national average 4.27)
Sixth Form results 2023
Our 6th Form results were also exceptional with all students being successful on their chosen pathways.
- Our average Grade in A Level subjects was a C
- Our average Grade in applied General subjects was a DISTINCTION
- Our average Grade in Technical Levels was a DISTINCTION
The destinations of these students were
- Students attending University: 80%
- Students entering employment: 14%
- Students taking planned gap years: 6%