Our uniform supplier is Stevensons. Please click here to order your uniform online from Stevensons. You can also download the Stevensons' sizing guide and the HBAED uniform price list 2025.
Download the Stevenson's information sheet including details of their Croydon branch opening times over the summer and how to book an in-store appointment for all new starters to ensure the perfect fit.
We believe in the benefits that the Academy uniform brings to our community. However we also recognise the barriers and difficultly that expensive uniform can bring. As an Academy we have done the following to support our families in being ready for school.
- We have recently retendered our uniform provider and will continue to do this every five years to makes sure that we have the best value uniform. Our current provider is Stevensons.
- We have reduced the amount of branded items required as part of our uniform and continue to consult with families and staff on this. Currently students are required to have a branded blazer, tie, PE top and Academy bag.
- We have introduced an Academy Uniform Exchange (see below) where parents can swap uniform and purchase second hand uniform.
The approximate cost of our essential branded items new is £90. The non-branded items can be purchased online or on the high street from a retailer of your choice. If you are unsure, please call the Academy on 0208 299 5300.
Uniform can be expensive to purchase and therefore it is important that it is looked after. You can download our uniform and equipment policy, including a unform list, from the student welfare section of our website.
The Uniform Exchange
We operate a Uniform Exchange at Harris Boys' Academy. Once each term, and once during the Summer Break, the Exchange is set up at the Academy. Dates of forthcoming sales are published on the news section of the website and sent home via text message to parents and carers.
We are able to offer items of second-hand uniform for very low prices. If you have an item that is in a re-usable condition there will be no charge as we will change it for one of a different size, providing we have one in stock.
The ability to provide the Exchange and its success rely completely on donations from parents and carers so please support our community wherever you can by donating items that your son/ward has out-grown.


Labelling and lost property
Please could all Parents/Carers ensure that all items of uniform are clearly labelled with your son’s name, so that any items of lost property can be returned to their rightful owner as soon as possible. Your son/ward can visit the Lost Property Office at breaktime, lunchtime or after school.