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Posted on March 12th 2018
Bookworms Get Their Reward
Hakim, Year 9, shows off his three lapel Bookworm Badges, gained for borrowing over 200 books from the library since Year 7.
The Bookworm Badge scheme is a new idea introduced by Jo Mead, Learning Resources Manager. “It encourages boys to read by setting them a target,” says Ms Mead. “They can see other students around the school wearing the badges and it encourages them to go for the next level of badge too.”
Boys get Bronze badges for borrowing 50 books, Silver for 100 and Gold for 200 books. Dejuan, Year 9, likes the idea of a badge scheme for reading because “not everyone can be good at sports. It gives you bragging rights. I like to read at home, on the bus or in any quiet place.”
“Other points of view”
Daquan, Year 9, has also bagged a Gold badge. “My favourite books are autobiographies, including those by Mo Farah, President Barack Obama and Malala Yousafzai,” he says. “I like them because you get to learn about someone from a certain time in history and their point of view. It’s really helpful. I’ve read books by people who have lived through World War II and the Vietnam War for example. I’m reading a zombie book called The Enemy right now. I don’t read this many books just to get the gold badge though. I read because I want to learn about different points of view and other stuff.”
The Bookworm reward scheme has only been going for a term but because the computer keeps a record of all the books borrowed, some of our Year 9s are on their way to 300 loans already. One student, Brandon, has borrowed over 600 titles!
Leader board
The Bookworm Badge leaders board is displayed in the library and boys can log in to the library system to see how many books they’ve borrowed too. “The scheme ties in nicely with the Harris Points badges for positive behaviour too,” said Ms Mead.
Gold Bookworm Badge winners Hakim, Dejuan and Daquan with Ms Mead.