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Posted on December 11th 2018
British Values - How We Can Live by Them
Ms Price gave a special assembly on British values to students last month - focusing on values such as democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.
The assembly looked at why British values are important, and how they help to shape British culture. Boys were asked to think about how British values can help to shape the kind of culture they want to be a part of, and how they can live by those values in their own lives. They were asked questions such as: Do I demonstrate these values every day? Which values could I improve upon, and how?
Ms Price showed how the arts in Britain can help to embody British values, using the example of choreographer Akram Khan (pictured), who was born in Wimbledon but whose family is from Bangladesh. Akram has combined the classical traditions of Indian dance with contemporary British dance and collaborates with people from across the arts and from all backgrounds.
"I was impressed by how the boys responded to the questions and looked at how they could live by British values in their own lives, through the choices and decisions they make," said Ms Price.
Download examples of our other assembly presentations, on topics such as leadership, remembrance and mental health.