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Posted on December 17th 2019
Active Citizens in Action - Election Day 2019
In the build-up to the General Election on the 12th of December, students across the Academy have been learning all about British Democracy.
The Student Leadership Team held hustings assemblies for all Year Groups to learn more about the policies of the different major political parties. Students in Year 9 were also given the opportunity to debate the different parties policies in their English lessons. Students in Year 12 and 13 benefitted from special assemblies that examined the issues of the right to vote and the voting age.
On election day, 500 students voted in the two Polling Stations we set up in the school. Students were canvassed on their way in to the Polling Stations and exit polls proved correct when predicting a landslide victory for Labour. The Labour Party took 79% of the popular vote.
Election results 2019 - national and HBAED
Thank you to everyone for voting. We're encouraing boys to continue to develop as Active Citizens by following the news to see what our new Prime Minister Boris Johnson plans to do in his first 100 days in office.
"It was exciting to learn all about the election and what the different parties stood for," said Dariush, Year 11. Jamie, also Year 10 said he had '‘learnt about representative democracies and the pros and cons of our electoral system. It has been really exciting and I cant wait to find out the final result".
Voting in progress at one of two polling stations around the school.
Mr Ingham (right) considers his options.
Let voting begin!
Counting the votes. 500 students voted.
In our election, Labour and The Green Party took first and second spot. Download our assembly presentations for Years 7-11 and Sixth Form.