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Posted on June 18th 2021
A Journey of Self-Discovery for Year 9
Ten boys in Year 9 have been on a ten-week journey of self-discovery through a special programme run by the organisation Strengthening Minds.
The programme, set up six years ago by former teacher Steve Daniels, encourages boys to explore what makes them feel strong and powerful, how to express themselves confidently, and how to take responsibility for their own actions.
“We call it our Positive Communication and Pupil Empowerment programme, but at its heart is about the boys recognising their potential and self-worth, and what they are capable of,” says Steve.
During the ten week programme, students explore how they respond in different situations – covering topics such as how to identify success, the advantages of a positive mindset, self-motivation and why we all sometimes need to step outside of our comfort zones.
Boys explore mindfulness and meditation too, and even look at body language, because how we hold ourselves can influence how we feel.
How are you feeling?
Every session starts with boys thinking about how they are feeling that morning, and sharing this with others. “This is a really important part of every session as the boys get a chance to talk about what’s happening to them,” says Steve.
Every session has practical challenges too, designed to encourage boys to reflect on how they manage their emotions in different ways.
One game, for example, involves trying to bounce a tennis ball into a small cup several metres away. Some boys manage it first time while others need lots of goes before they succeed. The boys learn about themselves and how they manage their frustration when things don’t happen easily, and the resilience they need to eventually succeed.
In another game, the boys roll a dice and get a prize if they roll a four or six. Otherwise they get nothing. How does it feel to win or not win? And what can we learn about ourselves from how we react to what happens?
“I don’t get annoyed as easily”
We asked some of the boys to explain the impact of the programme on their lives, both at school and at home. “This is the start of something new,” said Tristen, Year 9. “The programme has changed how I look at life in a positive way. I don’t get annoyed as easily now and am more confident.”
Max, Year 9, says he can now focus better and “listen to people for a long time. I think my mum has seen I have been more positive.”
Zaid, Year 9, also thinks his behaviour has improved. “I’ve learned different ways to manage myself when I feel angry and I’m less hot-headed now. I take time out and am learning to step away from things that are making me feel angry.”
“I am happy with the person I am.”
Boys complete a questionnaire before the start of the ten-week programme and again afterwards, to measure how it has changed their approach to life.
At the start of the sessions, Tristen rated himself as four out of ten when answering the question “I am happy with the person I am.” By the end of the sessions this had risen to eight.
In answer to the question “I know different strategies to manage my emotions”, Syed scored himself as five before the programme, but nine afterwards.
The start of a journey
Every boy has their own Strengthening Minds journal in which they record how they developed during the ten weeks and can take away at the end of the programme. Steve Daniels stresses to the boys that the end of the programme is really just the start of their journey, as they take away what they have learned and apply it across their school and home lives.
Although Year 9 have now completed their course we are proud to be working with Strengthening Minds later this term on sessions for Year 7, with further sessions planned in September.
Students are chosen for the course if we feel they will benefit because they need extra support to improve their motivation or focus. For further details contact Mr Pugh
Strengthening Minds is also training our own staff to run sessions in future, so that the approach can become embedded across the school in the months ahead.