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Some of our talented Year 11 GCSE students took to the stage as part of our Performing Arts Careers Assembly. They'll be back in action at our upcoming Matilda showcase. Show Dates: 12th & 13th March. Get your tickets now on ParentPay. Don't miss out!


Lovely to be at Harris Boys' Academy in East Dulwich today, answering lots of fantastic questions from sixth form students! It is great to see so many engaged young people taking an interest in politics.


Our Winter Showcase of performing arts is on Wednesday 18th December 2024. Tickets available now on ParentPay. Don't miss!


“I used to be shy, but this week I’ve started putting my hand up more in class. I’m more confident now, and it feels good to share my ideas.” Shaheem (left), who came to us from John Donne Primary. Come and see our school for yourself. Open Event dates at


Students on our new Performing Arts Bursary pathway met Mr Edwards this morning to map out their pathways for the year. They will receive free musical tuition, major roles in the school performance and courses with our artist in residence, Molly Burrows.


Year 7 students Robert, Muhammad, Othniel, Shaheem and William look back on their first two weeks of secondary school. The five came from different primaries: , Torridon, Bessemer Grange,  and . Read what they say at


We look forward to welcoming you to our Open Events. Our Open Evening is on Thursday 26th September 2024, 5pm-7pm. We also have drop-in mornings from 8.40-10.30am on: Monday 30th September 2024 Tuesday 1st October 2024 Wednesday 2nd October 2024 Details


Mr Brett pictured with Stanley, who achieved nine Grade 9s and two Grade 8s, and Lucas, who achieved six Grade 9s, three Grade 8s and one Grade 7. Congratulations to our students, staff and parents for our best ever results.


Students at Harris Boys' Academy East Dulwich are celebrating achieving the Academy’s best-ever results this morning. Students gained a total of 276 top Grade 9s and Grade 8s across their subjects. Full story


Harris Academy East celebrates A-level and success with student securing job at @DeloitteUK


Amy (pictured with Mr Chan) is taking up a place on the Harris Apprenticeship, an exciting brand-new programme in HR, Talent Acquisition and Finance.


Mr Brett and Mr Ingham pictured with Robiq, Elijah and Markell - all going to the University of Leicester after achieving their great results.


More of our students than ever before have gained places at Russell Group universities including Nottingham, Exeter, Kings College London, Bristol and Southampton. Ryan (left) is going to SOAS to read law, while Sky is going to the University of Exeter to study Business.


Students at Harris Sixth Form at East Dulwich are reaping the rewards of two years of hard work as they collect their results today. At A-Level, 40% of entries achieved A*-A grades. In Technical Levels in Sport and IT students averaged a Distinction + grade overall.


We hosted a fantastic summer concert yesterday, organised with meticulous care and passion by the ever-dedicated Ms Bee. The event was a resounding success, showcasing the immense talent of students from Years 7-12 and a true celebration of our school's vibrant musical culture.


Harris Boys' Academy East Dulwich has scored a major win by clinching the 2024 EY Foundation Impact Award for Southern Education Partner. Announced yesterday, this award highlights the school's positive impact on the community in Southern England.


The 30th anniversary of the opening of Shakespeare's Globe Theatre in London was the occasion for 30 of our Year 8 students to attend a spectacular performance of Shakespeare's 'The Taming of the Shrew' at the theatre recently.


Harris Boys’ Academy East Dulwich is proud to have been awarded the Quality in Careers Standard, meaning that our careers programme meets all the gold-standard criteria for world-class advice and guidance.


Summer Showcase, 10th July, 6.30pm - Get Your Tickets!


Addressing smartphone addiction - headteachers of 17 Southwark secondary schools call on families to support a new joint approach to tackling the profoundly negative impact of Smartphones and Social Media on young people." Find out more

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Our Curriculum intent in PE is to provide experiences that engage all student’s imagination through active learning. This is achieved by teaching the physical literacy and emotional wellbeing skills that give students the master key to access sport for life.

Curriculum plans for all year groups can be downloaded from the bottom of the page.

Every student will develop their physical literacy to support a healthy lifestyle both inside and outside of school. The knowledge and skills they practice at Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 also create a perfect opportunity for progression into careers in Sport

We want all students to enjoy Sport, to participate in Sport and to learn what we believe are the golden pieces of knowledge and skills that all young people should be aware of in their physical development.

For further information on the PE Curriculum please contact Director of PE Tom Belcher View the latest sports news from our academy.



Key Stage 3

Key Stage 3 PE at Harris Boys takes place over years 7,8 and 9. Each year students have specific aspects that they will look at in their sport and development. The idea behind the Key Stage 3 curriculum is to give students a breadth of traditional and non-traditional sports to take part in. We hope to develop the technical and tactical abilities for students to be confident in these activities and to take part in these skills. We aim to make our students physically literate and competent at taking part in a range of sports and to be aware of healthy lifestyles and physical activities. Finally, this curriculum aims to ensure that our students develop independence and leadership in sport, so that they can support future generations and make informed decisions about physical activities for themselves.


Key Stage 4 - Why all students study BTEC PE

The BTEC PE course is undertaken by all Year 10 and 11 students in Key Stage 4. The idea is to give students the master key to success in order for them to progress on to study sport or move into different careers in sport. It also provides them with an in-depth understanding of sport and fitness that will support them in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

The BTEC course provides students with the opportunity to study sport, whilst the course has been contextualised to engage learners through realistic assignments that inspire them to produce high quality work. We believe this course will support our students to lead their own healthy lifestyles, and also enable them to support others to sustain healthy active lifestyles. The units in the BTEC course can be flexible for students and can be contextualised to engage them.

According to a 2017 British Heart Foundation study, 60% of adults in the UK are unaware of the Government’s physical activity guidelines. Around 20 million adults (39% of the adult population) in the UK are physically inactive, according to the Physical Inactivity and Sedentary Behaviour Report 2017. In 2017, 64% of the adult population were also classified as overweight, with 26% of these adults classified as obese. 20% of children in Year 6 across the UK were also classified as obese.

We have a duty to ensure not only that our students are physically active at school, but that they understand the importance of being physically during their adult lives. The BTEC PE syllabus allows students to fully understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle and diet, both through childhood and adulthood. There are leadership aspects of the course that also engage our students by giving them the opportunity to ensure that others can maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. The course gives students the skills and confidence to support others.

BTEC PE and the Key Stage 4 National Curriculum

The Academy has cross-referenced and mapped the BTEC PE course against the National Curriculum requirements at Key Stage 4 to ensure that students receive their full entitlement.

The BTEC PE course goes above and beyond what is covered in the Key Stage 4 National Curriculum guidance, which supports our vision of why students undertake it. The depth of coverage within the BTEC Sport course is one of the reasons why students undertake it, as it ensures that they have an in-depth understanding of the importance of long term physical and mental health and the factors that help ensure they lead a healthy and active lifestyle within modern society.

At the end of this course, students receive a qualification that enables progression within a variety of careers and industries, or continuation Post 16. A full map of where the National curriculum is covered at Key Stage 4 can be downloaded at the bottom of this page

The intent of the BTEC PE course

Students develop knowledge in the principles of training and fitness. This allows students to undertake physical activity safely and effectively throughout their lives, and ensure they lead a balanced and healthy lifestyle, not just in their adolescent years.

The BTEC Sport course interleaves both academically and practically-minded pupils, providing appropriate challenge to all students. This is why PE fosters so many core values and produces 'physically literate' leaners.

The course also builds character, including fair play and sportsmanship (team work), which pupils need to succeed as well-rounded individuals and become active citizens in society.

Pupils are assessed through exam, coursework and practical performances. The BTEC Sport course is more inclusive than the GCSE course as students experience a wider range of formal assessments rather than one, formal exam at termination. We believe that this is relevant to developing real life work-based skills for our students.

Students will develop leadership skills and self-esteem that can be applied throughout their future lives and contribute to the development of their local community. Students can use this recognised qualification to develop further coaching qualifications in various sports, which will encourage them to contribute to the development of the next generation of students and contribute to their local community. The course allows students to contribute to the local community through supporting and co-leading community events.

BTEC Sport offers breadth and depth of curriculum knowledge and has strong cross-curricular links with other subjects that students will study.

The curriculum intent of BTEC Sport reinforces the academy’s overall education intent for students to become active citizens. The curriculum intent allows students to develop an understanding of wider psychological functions of the human brain through mind and human performance. This empowers students to have a better understanding of mental health and to be able to identify mental issues in others and themselves.

BTEC Sport gives students opportunities to link education and the world of work in engaging, relevant and practical ways. It supports learners’ development of transferrable interpersonal skills, including working with others, problem solving, independent study and personal, learning and thinking skills.

It gives learners a route through education that has clear progression pathways to further study or an apprenticeship. Students also have a clear progression route, within the sixth form, to specialise in the CTEC Level 3 qualification.

The cumulative knowledge they gain allows students to retain in their long-term memory the principles of exercise and training, which should be a life-long skill for all students.

English and Mathematics are essential for progression to further education and employment. The BTEC Sport course supports the development of English and Mathematics knowledge and skills. Opportunities to develop skills are indicated within unit assessment criteria grids. This will give learners the opportunity to enhance and reinforce skills related to these areas in naturally occurring, relevant contexts.

What do students learn in BTEC PE?


Component 1 - Preparing Participants to Take Part in Sport and Physical Activity – 30% of Final grade - Controlled Assessment

Component 1 will be completed through controlled assessments, and will enable the learners to explore the different types of provisions within sport and physical activity that are available to different types of participants. They will gain an understanding into the barriers and methods to overcome these barriers to further increase participation in sport and physical activity. They will continue to complete research into equipment and technological advances within a chosen sport or physical activity, and how they can prepare their bodies to participate in a sport or physical activity.

Why do we study this?

This gives students the underpinning knowledge of the different types of provisions available to them with the sport and physical activity industry. Students are also taught of what barriers they may face, but also the solutions to overcome these barriers. Understanding how technological advances would impact performance, and how to best prepare for physical activity will support students in their knowledge of participating in sport and physical activity.

Component 2 - Taking Part and Improving Other Participants Sporting Performance – 30% of Final grade - Controlled Assessment

Component 2 will continue to be completed through controlled assessments, and allow the learners to investigate the different physical and skill-related components of fitness; and their effect on sporting performance. They will be able to take part and demonstrate their skills within a practical sport, as well as explore the roles and responsibilities that officials have within a sport. Finally, they will apply different methods and sporting drills that will improve another participants sporting performance.

Why do we study this?

This is an excellent unit to develop the understanding of fitness, and how the different components of fitness can impact the performance of an individual. We believe it is important that our students are physically literate, and they will have the opportunity to perform practically within a range of sports; using various methods to improve performance. They will be able to explore the roles and responsibilities of officials, as well as the rules and regulations within sport and their application.

Component 3 - Developing Fitness to Improve Other Participants Performance in Sport and Physical Activity – 40% of Final grade - 1.5 Hour Exam

The final unit is Component 3, of which is an exam unit. Learners will be introduced and develop an understanding of the importance of fitness, and the different types of fitness for performance in sport and physical activity. They will develop an understanding into the body, and different fitness training methods and practically administer fitness tests.

Why do we study this?

This unit allows the students to develop their understanding of the application of components of fitness in a variety of different sports, and how they influence performance. Students are also taught the different training methods and how to make their training successful. Administering fitness tests supports the students in understanding their own levels of fitness and enhances the ability to identify the strengths and areas of improvements.

Practical lessons at HBAED

At HBAED we ensure that we teach this course in a practical way. Students will get a range of practical opportunities throughout the course, including developing technical and tactical skills, observing and analysing their own performance, learning the rules, regulations and scoring systems of sport, officiating sport, creating and implementing a training programme with different types of training for sports and leading and taking part in sessions. This is done over a wide variety of sports that are taught and learned in the lower school.

Sport and mental health

Major depression is thought to be the second leading cause of disability worldwide and a major contributor to suicide and ischemic heart disease (heart problems caused by narrowed heart arteries). 

  • 1 in 6 people experienced a common mental health problem within the last week
  • 1 in 5 women are reported to have mental health problems
  • 1 in 8 men are reported to have mental health problems
  • In 2017, 5,821 people committed suicide in the UK, 75% of them men.

Sport and physical activity can help people live a healthier life style and improve mental health. However, students need to be educated to allow them to maintain this activity beyond their school days. BTEC Sport allows students to understand how physical activity improves mental health and increases the probability of our students being active in adulthood. 

The local context

When we design the PE curriculum we have a duty to consider the local context within which the academy operates. This local context is one of the key reasons we consider it vital that our students undertake a formal PE qualification, to ensure they are educated to lead a healthy lifestyle now and throughout their adult life.

Research from Active Southwark found the following:

  • 58.8% of adults of 18 years and above are considered obese or overweight.
  • 40% of children that join us in year 7 are obese or overweight.
  • Life expectancy for males in Southwark is 78.9 years, this is nearly 6 years less than females.
  • 47,600 of Southwark’s population have mental health issues.


Statistics from a Sport England Survey show the battle that we have Southwark and the inactivity levels in students. They are below national average and this is why sport and BTEC PE are essential to students.

  • Child Obesity is the worst in England with 28.3% of Southwark children in Year 6 being measured as obese
  • 40% of young people said they had been to a sports club or class in the last 4 weeks (this compares to 52% nationally and 45% in Southwark’s statistical ‘Near Neighbour’ local authorities
  • 38% said they took part in organised sport or physical activity on the previous weekend (46% Nationally, 44% Near Neighbour

Student surveys

We like to assess the impact that the BTEC course is having on our students, so as a department we believe that it is important to conduct regular surveys with our students, to see how the BTEC Sport qualification might support them in leading a healthy lifestyle and their future lifestyle. The following results are from a survey carried out in February 2020.

Below are some of the careers that were chosen by our year 10 students, based on what they have learned in the BTEC PE course.

PE Survey (1)

Does the BTEC PE course give you an understanding of how to live a healthy lifestyle? YES 92% NO 8%.

PE Survey (2)

Has the BTEC PE course developed your understanding of the importance of remaining physically active, now and in adult life? NO 13%   YES 87%

PE Survey (3)

Do you think you will continue to participate in physical activity or sport as an adult? YES 92%   NO 8%

PE Survey (4)

Have you had to use leadership skills during your PE course? YES 67%  NO  33%

PE Survey (5)

Leadership comes more into the BTEC Sport course at the end of year 10 and within year 11, however we felt we wanted to ask what students felt they were developing in terms of their leadership.

Communication, knowledge of sport and motivating themselves to take part where found to be the most prominent in terms of leadership styles developed.

PE Survey (6)


One of they key reasons we believe the BTEC Sport course is so important for all of our students is the life skills learned through the course. Here students were asked to think abut the main life skills that are being developed.

The answers showed that the main life skills students were taking from the course were working to deadlines, presentation skills, organisation and reviewing their performance.

Do you believe that the BTEC Sport qualification would allow you to study sport at a higher level if you wanted to? YES 92%   NO 8%

PE Survey (8)

How much do you enjoy the BTEC Sport course?

PE Survey (9)


Key Stage 5 - CTEC Sport and Physical Activity

Our Key Stage 5 pupils are enrolled in a Cambridge Technical in Sport and Physical Activity, chosen as it gives us the ability to engage our pupils in a course that is academically rigorous yet suitably adaptable. This freedom to select units allows us to contextualise the course to our intake, provide consistency with our Key Stages 3, 4 and 5 'golden threads', and develop the knowledge and skills to access the Master Key to study further at university, apprenticeships or industry-specific jobs.

There are two pathways offered at HBAED: the Level 3 Extended Certificate which is equivalent to one A-Level; and the Level 3 Diploma which is equivalent to two A-Levels. The units offered in each of these pathways can be found below.

CTEC timeline

PE Jan 2023

12 Extended-Certificate: The curriculum is chronological because unit 1 looks at the human body’s involvement within sport and exercise. This is a fundamental knowledge base for understanding and applying lifelong learning and health relatable issues for pupils to then apply within their own or a client’s needs. Unit 3 covers the necessary issues surround sports involvement and how the governing bodies are dealing with these problems. This give the pupils the understanding of what support is out there and what can be done to help sports performers and talent identification. Unit 5 is finally looking at applying their knowledge of the body and developing sports performance with a client which brings the previous units together.

13 Extended-Certificate: The curriculum is chronological because unit 2 looks at the running a session with a group for sport and exercise. Planning and leading their own sessions enables them to have the opportunity to deliver and present in front of a group, taking control of the outcomes over a given time frame. Unit 8 follows on form this in order to work together to plan a big sports event within the school. This gives them the skills for planning and advertising and running events on a larger scale.

12 Diploma: The curriculum is chronological because unit 13 looks at sports leadership and fitness testing. This links into unit 1’s agenda of knowing the human body’s involvement within sport and exercise. This allows them to understand baseline testing and evaluating training methods for performance outcomes. Unit 11 covers the necessary issues surrounding sports involvement and particular groups. Unit 11 also matches to unit 3, Sports organisations, where students understanding of target groups is extended and stretched towards how and why target groups are created. They then need to apply their understanding of the human body, organisations and opportunities in order to develop an exercise plan targeting a particular low participation group. This gives the pupils the understanding of what support is out there and what can be done to help sports performers and talent identification. Unit 19 is finally looking psychological factors that can have an impact of both sports performance and potentially the lack of enjoyment for sport. This ties in the previous units of surrounding issues and barriers that can hinder optimal performance and the unit 5 of developing the physical aspects of sports performance.

13 Diploma: The curriculum is chronological because unit 4 looks health and safety issues that could occur within the sport and exercise industry. These tie into running and planning of session and an event and they can apply this knowledge to the unit 2 and 8 work effectively. Unit 17 is about sports injuries and how they can be dealt with in the short term and long term. This is a follow on to the unit 4 exam and helps understand what to do with a performer to rehabilitee after an accident or injury. Unit 18 is about the sports performances and the skills needed to be an outstanding performer. Alongside this, they can evidence their knowledge and application of tactics for the team they are in in order to be successful. This ties in with unit 2 as they will understand and be involved in teaching their own specialist sport to performers or be involved as a participant and 8 can give them the opportunity to perform/evidence these skills within the sports event.

Extra-curricular: The PE department offers a very wide range of extra-curricular activities. From inclusive non-competitive clubs, to competitive teams and fixtures. We have an ethos that this should be inclusive to all students. Students will have the opportunity to undertake a wide variety of activities. We currently offer indoor futsal, outdoor football, athletics and basketball. The 6th form are encouraged and supported in assisting the lower school extra-curricular clubs and sports teams. This helps their leadership and sporting responsibilities needed to go further within the sport and exercise industry. The course set pupils up to be independently look into their own and other’s fitness, therefore gives them a better understanding of what is needed to promote a healthy-lifestyles. There is an emphasis on it being inclusive for all students of all abilities to attend. There is also a use of form time intervention to support students with the exam content and also to support with coursework. Students also have progress sessions after school where they are expected to attend to catch up and for support with coursework.

The content is included because it works towards the master key. The content is taken from the CTEC specification and then adapted to best suit the needs of our students.

It develops the skills because the assignment briefs are written to be engaging for the students and gives them the chance to independently develop the specific skills that are given to them.

PE 'Golden Threads'

Our curriculum follows three central 'golden threads', each of which we believe are essential in preparing our pupils to go on to live successful and fulfilled lives both during and beyond their time at Harris Boys’ Academy East Dulwich. These are:

  • Golden Thread 1: Healthy Active Lifestyles: because health, wellbeing and access to the skill set to remain physically active positively impact lives
  • Golden Thread 2: Disciplinary knowledge: because access to this supports our pupils to get the master key to further education and careers in the sport sector
  • Golden Thread 3: Independence and leadership: because developing these life skills are essential facets of personal development and success in education and later careers

More information on each of these threads can be found below.

In Physical Education at Harris Boys’ Academy East Dulwich, we provide experiences that engage students’ imagination through active learning. Our curriculum is designed in such a way that pupils:

  • feel enabled to lead healthy, active lives
  • are able to progressively develop disciplinary knowledge with a conceptual understanding
  • and build the skills to be successful in leadership and independence necessary to excel in education and wider life.

All of these golden threads are planned purposefully within our curriculum so that pupils leave us with the master key to access a career or further education within the sports industry.

“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.” John F. Kennedy

Healthy Active Lifestyles - Golden Thread 1

Regular physical activity helps to maintain a healthy weight, strengthen bones and muscles, improve mental health, and boosts self-esteem, also playing a vital role in promoting good cardiovascular health, which is critical for overall well-being. It develops gross motor skills, balance, coordination, and overall physical literacy, which are important for a child's development and future participation in physical activities. Furthermore, physical activity has been shown to improve concentration, academic performance, and overall cognitive function in children.

In short, physical activity is a critical component of a healthy lifestyle for young people, and we aim to provide the opportunities, experiences and knowledge that will enable all of our pupils to lead healthy, active lives not just whilst with us at Harris Boys’, but beyond the curriculum and in to later life.

For each of the reasons above, we have made healthy active lifestyles a central focus of our physical education curriculum. With childhood obesity rates on the rise, especially in Southwark, where they are significantly higher than the national average and the third highest of all London boroughs, it is more important than ever to educate and enable our young people to be as active as possible.

Healthy Active Lifestyles - KS3

Something we are very proud of at HBAED is developing a KS3 curriculum that not only provides contextual, broad and balanced options ranging from American Flag Football to Dance, but more crucially, that we deliver these activities alongside an assessment method that focuses on more than physical/practical outcomes that may more commonly be associated with Physical Education.

We believe that PE can develop so much more than just physically able young people, and this is harnessed through teaching and assessment of the four domains (physical skills, social skills, cognitive understanding, and affective intent). In doing so, we are working towards changing the narrative around what it means to be successful in PE, with the aim of curating a love of being active in as wide a range of pupils as possible.

Whilst sports/activities and the skills required to participate in them are delivered in traditional ways, each individual lesson will have a domain focus. An example of the domains teaching through Year 7 will focus on, but is not restricted to, some of the following:

  • Physical: The extent to which a pupil has fundamental motor skills, how well they can connect and apply them in games, and how well they use health and skill related fitness.
  • Social: How well they can work with peers, whether they can treat others with empathy and sensitivity based on performance, and also the extent to which they communicate in a way that is constructive.
  • Cognitive: Can they show an understanding of rules and tactics, how well they can analyse the performance of individuals and teams, and whether they are able to show problem solving in tasks or games based situations
  • Affective: The extent to which pupils are motivated to participate in PE lessons, whether they have the self-esteem to participate and be active in PE, and the extent to which they are engaged in the process of learning.

Pupils will not only be able to develop on sport specific skills and performance, but crucially will be celebrated for skills and knowledge far beyond just application of practical skills. Pupils should leave KS3 having developed through the 4 domains, with a love for being active alongside an appreciation of health benefits of regular physical activity.

Each of these domains are suitably progressed through Year 8 and Year 9. Further information on the specifics of our found domains for each KS3 year can be found in our Long-Term Plans (see Curriculum Details).

The sports and activities offered at Key Stage 3 currently include:

  • tag rugby/rugby
  • football
  • American flag football
  • hockey
  • dance
  • outdoor and adventurous activities
  • ultimate frisbee
  • tchoukball
  • athletics
  • rounders
  • cricket
  • and softball.

These are designed in-line with the national curriculum so that all pupils have access to an appropriately broad and balanced curriculum. This includes regular competition, traditional and non-traditional sports, team and individual sports, dance, OAA, and also activities that are contextually relevant to our intake based on their interests and available access outside of the curriculum, alongside those that are totally new to them.

Healthy Active Lifestyles – KS4

The foundations for healthy active lifestyles are laid in our KS3 curriculum and provide an excellent access point to develop upon these at key stage 4. Pupils will enter with a foundational understanding of core concepts such as the physical, social and mental health benefits of being active, how to complete and lead warm ups, and the ability to analyse performance in order to support others.

At KS4, the three components delivered through the BTEC Tech Award in Sport contribute towards further enhancing pupils’ appreciation of being physically active and the positive impacts it can have on their, and others lives.

Component 1: Preparing participants to take part in sport and physical activity:  

Benefits of taking part in sport and outdoor activities, physical fitness activities, barriers (access, personal, cultural, time etc) to being active and methods to overcome these barriers, planning, adapting and delivering warm ups.

Component 2: Taking Part and Improving Other Participants Sporting Performance

Appreciation of components of fitness in sporting environments, how they are used in team sports, the impacts they have on outcomes in games and ways in which to improve them in other participants. In addition, being able to demonstrate a range of technical skills and ability to officiate in games.

Component 3: Developing Fitness to Improve Other Participants Performance in Sport and Physical Activity:

The importance of fitness for successful participation in sport, fitness training principles, fitness testing to determine fitness levels, fitness training methods to enhance individual components, long-term effects of fitness training on the body systems, fitness programme design.

Overall, the BTEC Tech Award in Sport encourages students to further develop a lifelong appreciation for the importance of physical activity and sport in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and equips them with the skills and knowledge necessary to participate in physical activity and sport in a safe and effective manner as a lifelong pursuit.

Disciplinary Knowledge - Golden Thread 2

“Disciplinary knowledge… is a curricular term for what students learn about how that knowledge was established, its degree of certainty and how it continues to be revised by scholars, artists or professional practice. It is the part of the subject where the pupils understand each discipline as a tradition of enquiry with its own distinctive pursuit of truth.” - Christine Counsell

At Harris Boys’ Academy East Dulwich, pupil’s disciplinary knowledge within the subject area is suitably progressive and works towards enabling pupils to access the master key of a career or further education within the sport sector.

Each key stage has disciplinary knowledge with direct threads from the previous key stage, yet embeds new and more complex knowledge so that pupils develop in such a way that they are academically and personally ready to meet the demands of further education or careers in the sports industry.

Disciplinary Knowledge - KS3

KS3 PE provides the foundations that allow pupils to access the KS4 curriculum, and to go on and be successful academically in the BTEC Tech Award in Sport (KS4), and if selected, the CTEC in Sport (KS5). These foundations of disciplinary knowledge include, but are not limited to:

  • Appreciating techniques and tactics
  • Performance analysis
  • An introduction to the physical, social and mental health benefits of physical activity
  • The benefits of warm ups and the major muscle groups included when stretching
  • Physical and skill related components of fitness and how each of these can influence effective performance.

Disciplinary Knowledge - KS4

The disciplinary knowledge at KS4 has commonalities with the foundations from KS3, however broadens in such a way that pupils develop a greater understanding of the subject and issues that are prevalent in the sports sector. Aspects that have commonalities include:

  • Developed understanding of the physical, social, and mental health benefits of being physically active (Component 1/3)
  • Developed understanding of warm ups; planning, adapting, and delivering (Component 1/3)
  • Developed understanding of techniques, tactics, and personal performance (Component 2/3)
  • Analysing and planning to improve others sporting performance (Component 2/3)
  • Appreciation of components of fitness and how they impact performance (Component 2/3)

Disciplinary knowledge at KS4 is broadened by studying topics that go on to provide greater subject and industry specific skills and knowledge. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Barriers to participation, and ways to overcome those barriers (Component 1)
  • Provision of sport and physical activity, and the characteristics of those sectors (Component 1)
  • Types of participants and their needs (Component 1)
  • Equipment and technology needed to participate in sport; their benefits and limitations (Component 1)
  • Understanding roles and responsibilities of officials in sport, including rules and regulations (Component 2)
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of facts around components of fitness, fitness tests etc (Component 3)
  • Apply knowledge and understanding of facts related to components of fitness, fitness tests etc (Component 3)

Disciplinary Knowledge - KS5

The disciplinary knowledge at KS5 has commonalities with the foundations from KS4, however broadens in such a way that pupils develop a greater understanding of the subject and issues that are prevalent in the sports sector. Aspects that have commonalities include:

  • Developed understanding of the providers of sports; explored through Sports Development and Organisation (Unit 3 – exam), Health and Fitness Testing (Unit 13 – CW), Physical Activity for Specific Groups (Unit 11 – CW), Organisation of Sports Events (Unit 8 – CW), Working Safely in Sport and Exercise (Unit 4 – Exam), Sports Coaching and Leadership (Unit 2 – CW)
  • Developed understanding of warm ups and leading coaching sessions; explored through Body Systems and the Effects of Physical Activity (Unit 1 – Exam), Health and Fitness Testing (Unit 13 – CW), Physical Activity for Specific Groups (Unit 11 – CW), Organisation of Sports Events (Unit 8 – CW), Injuries and Rehabilitation (Unit 17 – CW), Sports Coaching and Leadership (Unit 2 – CW)
  • Extensive understanding of the physical, social, and mental health benefits of being physically active, alongside the barriers; explored through Physical Activity for Specific Groups (Unit 11 – CW)
  • Extensive knowledge and application of performance analysis; explored through Performance Analysis (Unit 5 – CW)

Disciplinary knowledge at KS5 is broadened by studying topics that go on to provide greater subject and industry specific skills and knowledge. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Body systems and the effects of physical activity; skeletal system, muscular system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, energy systems
  • Sports organisation and development; organisations involved in sport I.e government and NGB’s, how they interact and the purpose of sports development
  • Sport and Exercise Psychology
  • Organisation of Sports Events
  • Sports Coaching and Leadership
  • Injuries and Rehabilitation

Independence and Leadership - Golden Thread 3

Independence and leadership in learning is a gradual process which takes place over many years, and increasing the degree of independence throughout education provides enables our pupils to continue learning throughout life. It is a central part of being a student at HBAED and will challenge their motivation and dedication, while developing organisational and time management skills. Being an independent learner means being an active learner, taking responsibility for workload, commitments and deadlines, and when mastered it will be the key to success in their studies both during their time at HBAED and beyond.

Independence and Leadership - KS3

At KS3, pupils are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning through the affective domain, where conversations and scenarios are created that challenge and ask questions of pupils’ motivation to engage in the process of learning. In year 9, our curriculum makes use of pedagogical models relative to PE such as Sports Education which provide environments whereby pupils take control over their own learning by structuring team warm ups, drills and exercises and also take on roles such as media manager, where their own efforts have a much closer impact on the outcome of the lesson. They are regularly challenged to not only show self-motivation, but to develop the ability to motivate peers and be effective in leading others to achieve.

Independence and Leadership - KS4

In KS4, pupils develop independence as they are now working towards strict controlled assessment deadlines, and the combination of their engagement across a group of lessons has a direct impact on their ability to achieve grades that surpass their targets. In year 10, they work independently towards completion of ALT tasks and also complete homework to support the depth of their disciplinary knowledge. Leadership and independence are developed through completion of component 1 - adapting and delivering warm-ups to prepare participants for physical activity and component 2 – planning and delivering ways to improve participants sporting techniques. In year 11, self-motivation and independence is essential as pupils must learn beyond the curriculum by completing homework in preparation for their Component 3 BTEC Tech Award in Sport exam.

Independence and Leadership - KS5

At KS5, the requirements beyond lesson hours are enhanced and pupils are expected to meet coursework deadlines by using a mixture of lesson and independent learning time. Exam preparation requires pupils to access subject specific platforms such as Everlearner outside of lesson hours in order to supplement their grasp of disciplinary knowledge. Leadership is developed through delivery of units including Health and Fitness Testing, Performance Analysis, Physical Activity for Specific Groups, Organisation of Sports Events and Sports Coaching and Leadership, where there is an extensive requirement for pupils to plan, deliver, analyse and feedback to clients or groups of people.

Extracurricular links

Pupils have access to a range of sports, activities and experiences that link directly with our curriculum with the aim of enhancing pupils’ ability to develop through the four domains and also in pursuit of our three golden threads. Click HERE for more details of our extracurricular activities.



Year 11 BTEC PE homework

The idea of this homework is to allow the pupil to have the time at home to independently work on their coursework and ensure that drafts are up to a suitable standard before the final BTEC PE assignment is completed. Students will be expected to complete these tasks on a word processer. This homework will directly affect the grade they achieve at the end of their BTEC PE course.

Year 10 BTEC PE exam unit homework

The idea of this homework is to allow boys to work on their knowledge of the components of fitness, principles of training, methods of training and fitness testing independently. Students are set tasks through their class teacher to research different aspects of the course and they are then tested on their knowledge in class. From this they can then identify their strengths and areas for improvement and target their home study around this. The exam that students sit in Year 10 counts for 25% of their final grade at the end of Year 11.

Alternatively students in Year 10 may be set an independent research task on a new website called SENACA learning. This allows students to develop and test their learning at home. The class teacher will set a new topic every two weeks, the students complete the research and a test, from here they can identify their own strengths and areas for improvement and then target their home study around this using the website.

Extra Curricular PE

A complete list of extra-curricular clubs can be seen on our Co-Curricular Activities page.

Extra curricular sport at HBAED links directly to our curriculum and allows for enrichment and support for activities that pupils have accessed in lessons. We cover a breadth of sports to ensure that students can take part in as wide a variety of sports as possible, with weekly clubs in sports such as table tennis, badminton, basketball, rugby, football and dodgeball.

Our extra curricular PE links directly to the curriculum as it allows us to strengthen pupils' access to our golden threads, supporting development in healthy active lifestyles, sport-specific knowledge, and independence and leadership. We offer sports teams for elite students within the academy, but also offer clubs for those that want competitive sport on more leisurely terms and have direct links with external clubs such as Southwark Tigers Rugby Club and London Sharks Basketball Club.

Please speak to the PE department if you wish to join a club. All you need to bring with you is trainers for most of our clubs and they are all free!

If you have any questions at all about extracurricular sport then please come to the PE office or email

Revision links

All KS4 PE revision for content including BTEC Tech Awards Component 1/2/3, and KS5 CTEC Sport revision including Unit 1 & 3 can be completed on


Studying sport and physical education provides the both the knowledge and skills as well as the attributes and character that are useful across a range of future careers.

Attributes developed during PE lessons:

  • Communication – The ability to communicate with teammates who are underperforming could be used at work when managing staff.
  • Teamwork – The success of any team is based on how well they can work together rather than the individual strengths of each individual.
  • Resilience – Sport has winners and losers.  Experiencing failure and learning from it so the same mistakes are not repeated is important in any profession.
  • Work Ethic – Talent is not enough.  In the world of sport and work, hard work must be used to make the most of your ability.
  • Leadership – Building a successful career will normally require leading and managing others; an attribute that is developed in sport.


Unit 1 and Unit 3 of the BTEC could lead you to a career in physiotherapy.

Physiotherapists help people recover with injuries sustained from surgery, illness, ageing, disability or sport.

A physiotherapist will work directly with patients, diagnosing, assessing and treating problems. Physiotherapists work to diagnose the causes of injury and put together a treatment plan, sometimes including exercises and manual therapy. Sports physiotherapists work with injured athletes, creating treatment plans to get them back to fitness, and advise how to avoid future injuries.

Sports Coach

Unit 2 and Unit 6 of the BTEC could lead you to a career in sports coaching.

Sports coaches are responsible for planning and applying training programmes for athletes or sports teams to ensure they are performing to a high standard. A sports coach would need excellent communication skills to get their message across to their athletes/players to help them improve.

Personal Trainer

Unit 1, Unit 3 and Unit 6 of the BTEC could lead you to a career as a personal trainer.

Personal trainers have a high level of knowledge about fitness and help other people to achieve their fitness goals. A personal trainer is responsible for identifying a client’s goal, creating individualised training plans for their clients, monitoring their progress and working to motivate them to hit their targets.

PE Teacher

Unit 3 and Unit 6 of the BTEC could lead you to a career as a PE teacher.

PE teachers work with children aged 11-18 and are responsible for planning and teaching PE lessons and units of work and assessing their students. PE teachers will need to have knowledge of a range of different sports, be able to work to deadlines and enjoy working with children aged 11-18.

Sports Journalist

Unit 2 of the BTEC could lead you to a career as a sports journalist.

Sports journalists work in the media industry and write and present stories to be published in local, regional or national press (newspapers, magazines, websites, television and radio). A sports journalist needs to think of stories to write that people will be interested in, research the topic to ensure they have enough knowledge and then work to a deadline to write the story.

Sports Scientist

Unit 1 and Unit 3 of the BTEC could lead you to a career as a sports scientist.

Sports Science is applying scientific principles to improve sports performance and exercise. A Sports Scientist is responsible for a range of tasks, including delivering warm-ups, designing and monitoring and giving feedback on training, delivering gym sessions and working with athletes undergoing rehabilitation.

Sports Agent

Unit 6 of the BTEC could lead you to a career as a sports agent.

A sports agent is someone who is a legal representative for a progressional sports person. This could be an athlete or a coach. Their job will be to negotiate employment and endorsement. Being a sports agent takes good leadership skills and knowledge of the sports sector. The attributes needed in unit 6 of the BTEC are transferable to support you in this carrer.