Latest News
Posted on January 25th 2023
Duke of Edinburgh Volunteers Support Years 7 and 8
Meet our Year 9 and 10 members of the Duke of Edinburgh Voluntary Reading Programme. Sessions have started this term and the boys pictured below are already doing a great job.
Year 9 and 10 students work in pairs with Year 7 and 8 readers, meeting twice a week during tutor time to read a suitable novel together. The volunteers have to keep records of the reading and also help the younger students with their vocabulary. They also manage the Loyalty Reward Cards and the Year 7s and 8s can earn Harris Points, hot chocolates and even Principal's Breakfast through their attendance.
A big well done to our Year 9 (above) and Year 10 Duke of Edinburgh reading volunteers.
"This is a wonderful opportunity for Duke of Edinburgh students to help out in a meaningful way while completing the volunteering part of the programme," said Mrs Pitt (pictured centre), our Duke of Edinburgh Co-ordinator. "I am so proud of the way these students interact with the younger children - they are so positive and helpful! Well done to them!"
We are very excited to see the impact these reading sessions will have on the selected pupils.