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Posted on March 6th 2023
Sixth Formers Benefit From NHS Mental Health Session
Our Year 12s and 13s had the opportunity to attend an assembly at school recently as part of the NHS’s DISCOVER Programme on mental health for students.
The speaker, Dr Jack Nejand, spoke knowledgeably and passionately about the topic, and it was clear that he had a deep understanding of the challenges that students face when it comes to their mental health.
The talk covered a wide range of topics related to mental health, including the importance of self-care, stress management techniques, and strategies for coping with anxiety and depression. Dr Jack Nejand provided a variety of practical tips and tools that students could use in their everyday lives to support their mental health, such as meditation, exercise, and breathing exercises.
Dr Jack Nejand encouraged students to reach out to friends, family members, teachers or mental health professionals if they were struggling with their mental health, and provided resources and information on how to access support.
Overall, our students found the talk to be incredibly informative and valuable. We would highly recommend it to any students who are looking to improve their mental health and well-being. Students left the talk feeling inspired and empowered, and we feel grateful for the opportunity.