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Posted on March 17th 2015
National league table success
The performance tables were published in January and we have much to celebrate regarding our performance when compared to comparable schools nationally.
Schools and Academies are grouped into 55 categories so that comparisons can be made with similar schools, in particular the ability and profile of students on entry. The allows a fair comparison between school performance.
I am delighted to announce that when Harris Boys’ is compared against similar schools nationally, we were ranked 2 out of 55 which is a wonderful achievement.
This is particularly pleasing when you consider the headline measure range (5 A*-C incl English & Maths) ranged from 25% to 78% within our group of schools.
As you will be aware we achieved 71% which gained us second place across schools nationally with the same intake profile.
Well done again to all the students, staff and parents as it just proves what we can achieve when we work together as a team. I often tell the students that we are stronger together as a team rather than a group of individuals. I passionately believe in this vision and by working together we will achieve great things for our students.
Mr Everitt, Principal