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Posted on November 23rd 2020
Meet Our Student Leadership Team 2020-21
Our new Student Leadership Team for 2020-21 was announced last week, selected from over 100 applicants. Thank you to everyone who applied!
Our new Student Principal is Yaseen, Year 10, who was chosen in an election which saw every student able to watch candidates' films and then vote on the one they wanted to represent them.
The other positions on the student leadership team were chosen by Ms Price and Ms Taylor, working with Yaseen. Some of the team is pictured here and you can see a complete list below.
For those of you who have not been appointed or didn’t apply in time, you will still have the opportunity to get involved with our events and campaigns on issues such as Food Bank donations, climate awareness campaigns and BLM.
Our new Student Principal
“Having a Student Principal means that there is someone the boys can come to with their ideas,” says Yaseen (pictured).
Yaseen is determined to make a change and represent his fellow students in engaging with the teachers.
He's also passionate about community and helping local, national and global causes, and also about rewarding students for their successes.
“I’m very much looking forward to representing the school,” he said.
Student writers
As well as a Student Principal and Vice Principal there are representatives for each year and also student reporters and writers.
“I think it’s important for students to write so we can share how we feel about what’s happening at the school and the wider world too. We need to show people the difference they can make,” says Nihar, one of our student writers.
"Delivering on promises"
Stanley, Student Assistant Principal said: “I’m going to deliver on the promises in my application and would like to take more surveys of what children want to eat in the canteen and the extra-curricular clubs they want to do. I’m looking forward to having more influence to help make bigger decisions.”
William, pictured below (second left) with the other Year 7 representatives, said: “My dad urged me to apply for the head boy position so I sent off the application. I didn’t get the head boy role but I was chosen to be the Year 7 representative, which was a good feeling.”
Through our student leadership system, every student in the school has a voice about the running of the academy. Representatives from each year can feed in ideas to the school council who then take them to senior teachers.
“The students have a voice but also build their confidence and perhaps inspire each other to show that they can lead their year groups,” said Ms Taylor, who co-ordinates the council.
AbdurRahim, Year 8 representative says...
"My role will be to speak on behalf of Year 8 and raise awareness of issues such as global warming. I think these sort of leadership roles are really important because without them the school would just be about learning whereas this means we can be part of making changes happen as well."
AbdurRahim is pictured below (centre) with the other Year 8 representatives Syria (left) and Stanley.
Syria, Year 8 representative
"I’m looking forward to going to the other Year 8s and asking them for their views, so I can put those views forward. I’m a very sociable person so when I see people in the playground or at lunchtimes I’m looking forward to getting their views and then putting those views forward to help our school."
Gabriel, writer
"I never knew I was going to get this role. This is great because I like writing stories."
Firdaos, Vice Principal says...
"We need to let students know that they can talk to us and get their ideas across. That’s why we have representatives from each year so they can get ideas from their peers and feed them into the leadership so we can have meetings and bring these ideas to the attention of the school."
Firdaos is pictured below (right), with Student Principal, Yaseen, and Ms Taylor.