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Some of our talented Year 11 GCSE students took to the stage as part of our Performing Arts Careers Assembly. They'll be back in action at our upcoming Matilda showcase. Show Dates: 12th & 13th March. Get your tickets now on ParentPay. Don't miss out!


Lovely to be at Harris Boys' Academy in East Dulwich today, answering lots of fantastic questions from sixth form students! It is great to see so many engaged young people taking an interest in politics.


Our Winter Showcase of performing arts is on Wednesday 18th December 2024. Tickets available now on ParentPay. Don't miss!


“I used to be shy, but this week I’ve started putting my hand up more in class. I’m more confident now, and it feels good to share my ideas.” Shaheem (left), who came to us from John Donne Primary. Come and see our school for yourself. Open Event dates at


Students on our new Performing Arts Bursary pathway met Mr Edwards this morning to map out their pathways for the year. They will receive free musical tuition, major roles in the school performance and courses with our artist in residence, Molly Burrows.


Year 7 students Robert, Muhammad, Othniel, Shaheem and William look back on their first two weeks of secondary school. The five came from different primaries: , Torridon, Bessemer Grange,  and . Read what they say at


We look forward to welcoming you to our Open Events. Our Open Evening is on Thursday 26th September 2024, 5pm-7pm. We also have drop-in mornings from 8.40-10.30am on: Monday 30th September 2024 Tuesday 1st October 2024 Wednesday 2nd October 2024 Details


Mr Brett pictured with Stanley, who achieved nine Grade 9s and two Grade 8s, and Lucas, who achieved six Grade 9s, three Grade 8s and one Grade 7. Congratulations to our students, staff and parents for our best ever results.


Students at Harris Boys' Academy East Dulwich are celebrating achieving the Academy’s best-ever results this morning. Students gained a total of 276 top Grade 9s and Grade 8s across their subjects. Full story


Harris Academy East celebrates A-level and success with student securing job at @DeloitteUK


Amy (pictured with Mr Chan) is taking up a place on the Harris Apprenticeship, an exciting brand-new programme in HR, Talent Acquisition and Finance.


Mr Brett and Mr Ingham pictured with Robiq, Elijah and Markell - all going to the University of Leicester after achieving their great results.


More of our students than ever before have gained places at Russell Group universities including Nottingham, Exeter, Kings College London, Bristol and Southampton. Ryan (left) is going to SOAS to read law, while Sky is going to the University of Exeter to study Business.


Students at Harris Sixth Form at East Dulwich are reaping the rewards of two years of hard work as they collect their results today. At A-Level, 40% of entries achieved A*-A grades. In Technical Levels in Sport and IT students averaged a Distinction + grade overall.


We hosted a fantastic summer concert yesterday, organised with meticulous care and passion by the ever-dedicated Ms Bee. The event was a resounding success, showcasing the immense talent of students from Years 7-12 and a true celebration of our school's vibrant musical culture.


Harris Boys' Academy East Dulwich has scored a major win by clinching the 2024 EY Foundation Impact Award for Southern Education Partner. Announced yesterday, this award highlights the school's positive impact on the community in Southern England.


The 30th anniversary of the opening of Shakespeare's Globe Theatre in London was the occasion for 30 of our Year 8 students to attend a spectacular performance of Shakespeare's 'The Taming of the Shrew' at the theatre recently.


Harris Boys’ Academy East Dulwich is proud to have been awarded the Quality in Careers Standard, meaning that our careers programme meets all the gold-standard criteria for world-class advice and guidance.


Summer Showcase, 10th July, 6.30pm - Get Your Tickets!


Addressing smartphone addiction - headteachers of 17 Southwark secondary schools call on families to support a new joint approach to tackling the profoundly negative impact of Smartphones and Social Media on young people." Find out more

Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

Central Office

















FOI, Privacy Notices, Complaints, Whistle-Blowing, Funding & Charging Policy


Harris Boys' Academy East Dulwich provides a free education for boys of all abilities. However, the governors reserve the right to charge for some things, such as musical instrument tuition and trips, and full details can be found in the charging policy below.

Parents can request paper copies of any information provided on the website free of charge. Please contact the school for this to be arranged.


Our full complaints policy can be found further down the page. If you are unhappy or have concerns about the academy or a person associated with the academy then you may wish to make a complaint, in the first instance complaints should be addressed to the Principal, Chris Brett, at the Academy.

Please contact his PA

Karen Forero
Telephone: 020 8299 5300

If your complaint is about the Principal then please contact the Harris Federation.

Privacy Notice

Under data protection law, individuals have a right to be informed about how the Federation and its Academies use any personal data about its students.  We, the Harris Federation, comply with this right by providing Privacy Notices to parents/carers and students, as appropriate, where we are processing their personal data.

Harris Federation is the Data Controller for the purposes of data protection law and therefore will determine the purposes for which personal data is processed (the ‘why’ and the ‘how’).  Your Academy and authorised 3rd parties, e.g. ParentPay, process and ‘use’ data on behalf of the Federation and are therefore Data Processors.

We collect and use personal data about the students who attend our Academies, in order to provide an outstanding education.  This personal data includes identifiers such as name, address and contact details of parents/carers, characteristics such as ethnic group, nationality and language, attendance information, test results, medical conditions, and special educational needs information.

This data is used for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Support student learning.
  • Protect student welfare.
  • Monitor and report on student progress.
  • Contact students and parent/carers when we need to.
  • Provide appropriate pastoral care.
  • Assess the quality of the services we provide.
  • Administer admissions waiting lists.

The Federation and its Academies will ensure that all personal data is processed fairly and lawfully, is accurate, is kept secure and is retained for no longer than is necessary.  We do not share personal information about our students with any third party without consent, unless the law and our policies allow us to do so.  For example we are required to pass on some data to the Department of Education (DfE).

See our Privacy notice below to learn how we collect, use, protect and share the personal information about our students.

If you have any question, concerns or would like more information about anything mentioned the Privacy Notice(s), please contact the Federation’s Data Protection Officer (DPO), details below:

Data Protection Officer
Harris Federation
4th Floor Norfolk House
Wellesley Road, Croydon

Tel: 0208 253 7777

The Data Champions are David Stow and Harry Ingham

Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 gives the public right of access to information produced in the course of the Federation’s work. 

There are exemptions to this right. In particular, data about living, identifiable people ('personal data') continues to be covered by the Data Protection Act and is not generally publicly available except to the "subject" of the data - that is, the person whom the data is about.

Under the Freedom of Information Act, the Harris Federation of South London Schools has developed a Publication Scheme which lists all the documents which the Federation will make public as a matter of routine.

If the information you are looking for is not available on our Publication Scheme which can be found further down the page, you can make a request for the information you require in writing, please make sure you read our charging policy for information about cost you may be liable for.

Yours sincerely

Sir Dan Moynihan
Chief Executive Officer


The Academy is part of the Harris Federation for which the annual report, annual audited accounts, memorandum of association, articles of association and funding agreement can be found here. The Academy’s own supplementary funding agreement can be found below. 

Details of executive pay can be found on the financial information page of the Harris Federation website.


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