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Posted on June 26th 2018
Electronics Project for DT Club
Electronics is the theme of our new after-school DT club this term, with boys making speakers they can use with their phones.
DT club, which started in September, gives boys across the school a chance to carry on with the design and technology skills they’ve learned in class, even if they don’t choose it for GCSE. “This is my first time coming to the club,” says Vinnie. “I like designing stuff because it’s creative and I enjoy making things.”
It’s also a chance for younger boys to experience topics, such as electronics, which aren’t actually on the DT curriculum until GCSE. In club this term, for example, they are using wires, soldering irons and circuit boards to make their portable speakers.
“The boys enjoy it because they know they are going to make something to take home but they don’t have to write it up like they do in lesson,” says Ms Coulibaly, who runs the weekly club.
Shakquane, Year 8, says he likes the club because it helps him to meet boys from different classes. “Making stuff helps us in the future too," he adds. In class we’ve made lots of different stuff like clocks and textiles and the club is a chance to carry on doing things we enjoy. It’s different to English because we write in DT lessons too but in DT we’re writing about and describe things that we’ve created. And in the DT club we get to experience things we don’t have a chance to do in DT lessons.”
DT Club takes place after school on Fridays.
Find out more about design and technology at HBAED.