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Posted on January 28th 2020
A 'Champion School' for Active Citizens
Harris Boys' Academy East Dulwich has received a Gold Award for the high number of students completing the National Citizenship Award.
The 'Champion School' award is made by NCS, a youth programme for 15-16 year olds that helps young people become active citizens and discover what they want from their futures.
Mr Groves and Mr Allison are pictured with some of our sixth formers who have completed the award.
“I greatly enjoyed my time completing the NCS Award," said Rayyan. "I spent time at the University of Greenwich as well as volunteering for a week at the London Wildlife Trust. I also spent a week engaging in resilience and character-building outdoor pursuits such climbing Jacob’s Ladder in Weymouth."
Carnegie also loved completing the NCS Award. "It was exciting meeting lots of new people from a range of different backgrounds and the chance to do exciting activities such as canoeing helped improve my confidence yet further," he said.
Vitalli agreed. “NCS was a really excellent and inspiring experience. I volunteered at the Make a Wish Foundation and was able to witness first hand some of the really excellent work they do," he added.